PAINTER - Van Ruisdael

Please add an E after the item number if you require the larger Aida canvas.

Item # 6090108
Item # 6090108E

Item # 6090828
Item # 6090828E

Item # 6090829
Item # 6090829E

Village by the River

Two Undershot Water Mills with Men Opening a Sluice

Landscape with Waterfall

Krif # 108 - Village by the River (Van Ruysdael)

Krif # 828 - Two Undershot Water Mills with Men Opening a Sluice

Krif # 829 - Landscape with Waterfall

Canvas 23hpi - 11.43 x 7.09"
Aida 14hpi - 22.85 x 14.18"

Canvas 23hpi - 14.04 x 10.92"
Aida 14hpi - 26.68 x 20.75

Canvas 23hpi - 14.04 x 10.92"
Aida 14hpi - 26.68 x 20.75"

Item # 6090830
Item # 6090830E

Item # 6090831
Item # 6090831E

Item # 6090832
Item # 6090832E

Two Watermills and an Open Sluice near Singraven

Bentheim Castle

Landscape with Windmills near Haarlem

Krif # 830 - Two Watermills and an Open SLuice near Singraven (Van Ruysdael)

Krif # 831 - Bentheim Castle

Krif # 832 - Landscape with Windmills near Haarlem

Canvas 23hpi - 14.04 x 10.92"
Aida 14hpi - 26.68 x 20.75"

Canvas 23hpi - 14.04 x 10.92"
Aida 14hpi - 26.68 x 20.75

Canvas 23hpi - 4.68 x 5.85"
Aida 14hpi - 8.89 x 11.12"

Item # 60910001
Item # 60910001E

Item # 60910002
Item # 60910002E

Item # 60910003
Item # 60910003E

Mill at Wijk

A Waterfall

Sunrise in a Wood

Krif # 10001 - Mill at Wijk (Van Ruisdael)

Krif # 10002 - A Waterfall (Van Ruisdael)

Krif # 10003 - Sunrise in a Wood (Van Ruisdael)

Canvas 23hpi - 26.95 x 21.45"

Canvas 23hpi - 21.45 x 26.56"

Canvas 23hpi - 21.45 x 26.01"

Item # 60910004
Item # 60910004E

Item # 60910005
Item # 60910005E

Item # 60910006
Item # 60910006E

The Dam Square in Amsterdam

Winter Landscape

The Great Oak

Krif # 10004 - The Dam Square in Amsterdam (Van Ruisdael)

Krif # 10005 - Winter Landscape (Van Ruisdael)

Krif # 10006 - The Great Oak (Van Ruisdael)

Canvas 23hpi - 28.2 x 21.45"

Canvas 23hpi - 22.35 x 18.49"

Canvas 23hpi - 26.6 x 21.45"

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