PAINTER - Chardin

Please add an E after the item number if you require the larger Aida canvas.

Item # 6090686
Item # 6090686E

Item # 6090687
Item # 6090687E

Still Nature with Peaches

Still Nature with Copper Pot

Krif # 686 - Still Nature with Pansies

Krif # 687 - Still Nature with Copper Pot

Canvas 25hpi - 8.39 x 6.7"
Aida 12.5hpi - 16.78 x 13.4"

Canvas 25hpi - 8.39 x 6.7"
Aida 12.5hpi - 16.78 x 13.4"

Item # 6090688
Item # 6090688E

Still Nature

Krif # 688 - Still Nature

Canvas 25hpi - 14.97 x 7.17"
Aida 12.5hpi - 29.94 x 14.34"

Item # 6090689
Item # 6090689E

Item # 6090690
Item # 6090690E

Item # 6090691
Item # 6090691E

Still Nature with Pounder

Still Nature with Carafe

The Attributes of the Art

Krif # 689 - Still Nature with Pounder

Krif # 690 - Still Nature with Carafe

Krif # 691 - the Attributes of the Art

Canvas 25hpi - 8.39 x 6.7"
Aida 12.5hpi - 16.78 x 13.4"

Canvas 25hpi - 7.88 x 6.7"
Aida 12.5hpi - 15.76 x 13.4"

Canvas 25hpi - 12.77 x 10.24"
Aida 12.5hpi - 25.53 x 20.49"

Item # 6090692
Item # 6090692E

Item # 6090693
Item # 6090693E

Item # 6090694
Item # 6090694E

The Attributes of the Science

The Attributes of the Music

Still Nature with Grapes

Krif # 692 - The Attributes of the Science

Krif # 693 - The Attributes of the Music

Krif # 694 - Still Nature with Grapes

Canvas 25hpi - 12.77 x 10.24"
Aida 12.5hpi - 25.53 x 20.49"

Canvas 25hpi - 12.77 x 10.24"
Aida 12.5hpi - 25.53 x 20.49"

Canvas 25hpi -12.77 x 10.24"
Aida 12.5hpi - 25.53 x 20.49"

Item # 6091040
Item # 6091040E

Item # 6091041
Item # 6091041E

From the Market


Krif # 1040 - From the Market (Chardin)

Krif # 1041 - Washroom (Chardin)

Canvas 25hpi -21.45 x 26.75"

Canvas 25hpi - 24.41 x 21.45 "

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