Item # 3990126

Rupert Rabbit

Rupert Rabbit

Rupert Rabbit, Hyacinth’s younger brother, loves Spring but hates weeds! He’s a very serious gardener who tends most of the vegetables for the bears and bunnies in the Beary Patch. Of course some of the favourites are carrots, cabbage, lettuce and berries. Sometimes it isn’t only the weeds that are a problem, but the little thieves who can’t wait for a harvest. The telltale paw prints of little bunny feet appear between the rows of the dark earth.

27" Light and Dark Heather Plush Rabbit with Clothes and Accessories

Item # 3990128

Item # 3990129

Item # 3990130

Maisie Daisy

Miranda and Butterscotch

Blizzard and Buddy

Maisie Daisy

Miranda and Butterscotch

Blizzard and Buddy

Maisie Daisy, Sunflower Sam’s cousin, is always amusing everyone with her antics. This week she’s been reading The Frog Prince and is spending much of her time in the garden. With her net she’s been gently catching frogs, a quick kiss and off they go. The frogs don’t seem to mind too much, although, a couple of them who have been caught more than once or twice are somewhat annoyed. They’ve never had chapped lips before!

Miranda is so excited about her new puppy Butterscotch who is very lively. Miranda’s trying to train Butterscotch to walk and sit, but so far all she does is run and jump. Miranda can’t help but giggle and run along with her. It would seem it is Butterscotch who has Miranda well trained.

Snowflakes fall and tickle little bear noses in the Beary Patch. Blizzard and his pal Buddy love winter. Snow flies as they belly flop down and through every snowpile around. Black eyes glowing, Blizzard chases Buddy around the large pine, and then they are off to join the other winter bears for a huge snowball fight. Of course Blizzard, with his huge paws, makes the biggest snowballs. Everyone wants him on their team. Go Blizzard go!

16" Brown Sugar Plush Bear with Clothes and Accessories

23" Brown Sugar Shaggy Plush Bear, 8" Creamy White Shaggy Plush dog (with Clothes and Accessories)

28" Antique White Plush Polar Bear, 11" Grey Plush Seal (with Accessories)

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