PAINTERS - Miscellaneous

Please add an E after the item number if you require the larger Aida canvas.

Item # 6090205
Item # 6090205E

Item # 6090217
Item # 6090217E

The Holy Supper (Da Vinci)

The Dance (Aman)

Krif # 205 - Cina cea de taina (Da Vinci)

Krif # 217 - The Dance (Aman)

Canvas 23hpi - 14.18 x 6.03"
Aida 14hpi - 28.37 x 12.06" 

Canvas 23hpi - 12.77 x 8.51"
Aida 14hpi - 25.53 x 17.02"

Item # 6090279
Item # 6090279E

Item # 6090315
Item # 6090315E

Item # 6090321
Item # 6090321E

The Grain Reapers (Millet)

Oxen Cart in Winter (Aman)


Krif # 279 - The Grain Reapers (Millet)

Oxen Cart in Winter (Aman)

Krif # 321 - Venus

Canvas 23hpi - 13 x 9.85"
Aida 14hpi - 26 x 19.7"

Canvas 23hpi - 12.77 x 9.93"
Aida 14hpi - 25.53 x 19.86"

Canvas 23hpi - 7.09 x 10.64"
Aida 14hpi - 14.18 x 21.28"

Item # 6090326
Item # 6090326E

Item # 6090327
Item # 6090327E

Item # 6090331
Item # 6090331E

Item # 6090352
Item # 6090352E

The Gypsy (Aman)

The Young Girl and the Blind Man (Seckatz)

Hagar's Punishment

The Golden Helmet

Krif # 326 - The Gypsy (Aman)

Krif # 327 - The Young Girl and the Blind Man (Seckatz)

Krif # 331 - Hagar's Punishment (Szeckatz)

Krif # 352 - The Golden Helmet (Rembrandt)

Canvas 23hpi - 7.45 x 14.18"
Aida 14hpi - 14.89 x 28.37"

Canvas 23hpi - 9.93 x 14.18"
Aida 14hpi - 19.86 x 28.37"

Canvas 23hpi - 10.28 x 14.18"
Aida 14hpi - 20.57 x 28.37"

Canvas 23hpi - 6.38 x 7.45"
Aida 14hpi - 12.77 x 14.89"

Item # 6090353
Item # 6090353E

Item # 6090399
Item # 6090399E

Item # 6090461
Item # 6090461E

Fight with the Angel

Iulia (Lebrun)

The Spring (Botticelli)

Krif # 353 - Lupta cu ingerul (Rembrandt)

Krif # 399 - Iulia (Lebrun)

Krif # 461 - The Spring (Botticelli)

Canvas 23hpi - 10.64 x 12.06"
Aida 14hpi - 21.28 x 24.11"

Canvas 25hpi - 9.06 x 12.61"
Aida 12.5hpi - 18.12 x 25.22"

Canvas 25hpi - 24.03 x 15.37"
Aida 14hpi - 48.07 x 30.73" 

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